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Call for an Appointment: (503) 396-4750
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Pediatric Office Open in St. Helens, OR
We're excited to meet our patients. Stop by and say hello. Browse through our site and learn more about us. Then give us a call to book your child's next appointment!
Call today @
(503) 396-4750
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Dr. William Moore
500 North Columbia Rver Hwy, Suite 505
St. Helens, OR, 97051
Map & Directions

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Request an Appointment

Please fill out the form below and we will contact you with an appointment time. Required fields are marked with asterisks (*).

Patient Information

Name: *

Phone: *

Email address: *

Have you visited our office before? *

Yes No  

What is the reason for the appointment? *

  Regular Exam / Cleaning
  Specific Concern / Procedure

What concerns, if any, would you like to speak to the doctor about:



How do you prefer to be contacted? *

  Email   Phone  


It may take a moment to submit your information. Please wait for a confirmation message.

Appointment Hours
Mon,Wed: 9 - 4:30
Tues,Thurs: 8 - 2
Friday: Closed
Office Hours
8 - 4
8 - 4
8 - 4
7 - 2
Copyright © 2014-2025 St. Helens Pediatric Dentistry and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
About St. Helens Pediatric Dentistry | Dentist in St. Helens OR
Visit our website to learn why St. Helens Pediatric Dentistry is St. Helens' favorite pediatric dentist. Offering cosmetic and restorative dental procedures in St. Helens OR and surrounding areas.
St. Helens Pediatric Dentistry, 500 N Columbia River Hwy, Suite 505, St Helens, OR 97051; (503) 396-4750;; 2/12/2025; Page Phrases: Pediatric Dentist St Helens OR;