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Dr. William Moore
500 North Columbia Rver Hwy, Suite 505
St. Helens, OR, 97051
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Pediatric Dentistry
St. Helens, OR

A smiling toddler holding a toothbrush after learning how to brush teeth from St. Helens Pediatric Dentistry in St Helens, OR 97051Pediatric dentistry, also known as pedodontics, is a branch of dentistry that revolves around children's oral health care from birth to teenage years. Pediatric dentists have received specialized education following their primary years of dental school, which qualifies them for the job. A pediatric dentist's roles include taking care of the dental health of children and educating parents regarding their child's dental concerns. Here at St. Helens Pediatric Dentistry, we have pediatric dentists that are more than qualified to address your concerns regarding your child's dental health.

What Kind of Education Does a Pediatric Dentist Receive?

Like every other dentist, pediatric dentists receive a formal education of four to five years of dental school. Following this, they are required to study an additional two to three years in order to become a qualified pediatric dentist that can treat infants, toddlers, teens, and kids with special needs. After the two to three years of specialization, the pediatric dentist can be found working in various locations, including private clinics, hospitals, and medical centers.

What Specialized Tasks Do Pediatric Dentists Perform?

Pediatric dentists are trained specifically to take care of children's dental needs. Their role includes performing oral health care exams on children, counseling children regarding their oral habits, providing dental care such as fluoride treatment, and taking care of pediatric emergencies. Moreover, our pediatric dentists assist in effectively managing gum diseases and maintain space following tooth loss.

Pediatric dentists are also trained to educate parents on how to take care of your child. Teething begins between the ages of three and nine; it can make your child fussy and is not a cause of concern unless they have delayed teeth eruption. Parents are also advised to notice any tooth decay and instill good oral habits.

What to Expect at Your Child's First Appointment

As part of pedodontics training, they are required to make your child feel comfortable and at ease. Parents must educate their children prior to their visit to help calm their nerves. You might either be referred by your pediatric or they will book an appointment on your behalf.

The first visit is short and usually requires no procedures. Before meeting the dentist, you will be asked to fill out the paperwork. During your first appointment, you and your child will be guided through what takes place on the day. To help reduce children's anxiety, we will demonstrate what some of our tools are, what they do, and ensure they will not harm them or cause them pain. Following the demonstration, an oral exam will take place in which your child's teeth, gums, and bite will be examined to note any anomalies. If all is good, our dentist will guide through the steps you can take to ensure their dental health remains at its best. You will be advised to encourage brushing teeth, flossing, and avoiding food that may cause decay.

Our pediatric dentists can deal with every dental issue that your child may face and help them feel comfortable throughout their session. Book your child's first appointment by calling at (503) 396-4750 or visit St. Helens Pediatric Dentistry. We offer a variety of dental services for children that include prevention, restoration, and orthodontics.
Appointment Hours
Mon,Wed: 9 - 4:30
Tues,Thurs: 8 - 2
Friday: Closed
Office Hours
8 - 4
8 - 4
8 - 4
7 - 2
Copyright © 2014-2025 St. Helens Pediatric Dentistry and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Pediatric Dentistry St. Helens OR | St. Helens Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric dentistry, also known as pedodontics, is a branch of dentistry that revolves around children's oral health care from birth to teenage years.
St. Helens Pediatric Dentistry, 500 N Columbia River Hwy, Suite 505, St Helens, OR 97051; (503) 396-4750;; 1/31/2025; Related Phrases: Pediatric Dentist St Helens OR;